Model Establishment and Analysis Covering Industrial Gross Value Gained by Jinzhou Independent Accounting Enterprises 锦州市独立核算工业企业工业总产值模型的建立与分析
Analysis on Industrial Specialization Behavior of Accounting Firms in China Market 我国会计师事务所产业专用性行为分析
I took such courses as accounting principles, commercial accounting, cost accounting, industrial accounting, electronic data processing accounting, and accounting involved in foreign capital enterprises. 我修过会计学原理、商业会计、成本会计、工业会计、电子数据处理会计以及涉外会计。
In the floating population, 41% of workers engaged in production ( such as construction, industrial and mining enterprises), transport workers and other related occupations, accounting for No.1; 在流动人口中,41%从事生产工人(如建筑、工矿企业)、运输工人和其它有关职业,占第1位;
Note: Number of industrial enterprises over designated size of Shanghai excludes village below, municipal independent and dependent accounting enterprises. 注:上海限额以上工业企业单位数为不含村以下,市独立和非独立核算的全部工业企业单位。
They are classified into two categories: corporate industrial enterprises with independent accounting system and industrial establishments. The rapid growth of its population, industry and commerce remain at the root of pollution by human activities. 工业统计调查单位分为两类:独立核算法人企业和工业活动单位。人口激增,工商业蓬勃发展,这些人类活动正是污染的根源。
Chongqing has chosen water resources and industrial environment as the research direction of geGDP accounting. 重庆选择了水资源和工业环境作为绿色GDP核算的研究方向。
Buy latest edition to local Bureau of Finance "fundamental accountant", "commercial accountant", "industrial accounting". 到当地财政局购买最新版的《基础会计》、《商业会计》、《工业会计》。
This article analyzes accounting equation in the stone economic age-the agricultural economic age and the industrial economic age from productive forces and relation of production-and probes into accounting equation in the knowledge economic age and its embodying economic relation. 本文从会计等式演变的理论基础&生产力的发展、生产关系的变革入手,分析了石器经济时代、农业经济时代、工业经济时代的会计等式,探析了知识经济时代的会计等式及其体现的经济关系。
Industrialization management for soil and water conservation industrial resources is that regarding soil and water conservation industrial resources as asset, setting up account and bring it into accounting and supervision according to its propriety ownership, resource kinds and engineer types. 水土保持资源资产化管理,就是把水土保持产业资源作为资产,分别按其产权归属、资源类别、工程类型建立账户并纳入会计核算和监督管理。
Second, non-government businesses themselves have a number of problems, such as organization structure adjustment, industrial structure adjustment, finance and accounting management, the relationship between corporate income tax and business development and etc. 二是民营企业本身的发展存在一系列亟待解决的问题,具体反映在组织结构调整、产业结构调整、严格财务管理和处理好纳税与经营发展的关系等方面。
The authors thinks that Chinese CPA industrial organization construction is irrational and the market structure is imperfect, and accounting firms present for the ineffective competition. 笔者认为,我国注册会计师行业产业组织架构的不合理,市场结构的不完善,注册会计师行业产业组织呈现为事务所竞争的非有效性。
On Experience and Theory of Traditional Industrial Informationization It's well know that traditional accounting serves for industrial economy. 传统产业信息化的理论与经验分析传统会计是为工业经济时代服务的。
Along with the shift from an industrial economy to a knowledge-based economy, the accounting calculation of human resources, especially the equity accounting of the human resources, is becoming increasingly important to the stimulation of the initiative and creativeness of the owners of human resources. 随着工业经济向知识经济的转变,进行人力资源会计核算的重要性日益突出,尤其是进行人力资源权益会计核算,对发挥人力资源所有者的积极性和创造性具有重要意义。
Specific to the Standard Chartered Bank, Industrial Bank is an independent accounting segment. 具体到渣打银行,企业银行更是一个独立核算的事业模块。
Research results among the long-term equilibrium relationship between the variables, and the magnitude of changes in the industrial structure and financial accounting income share of labor compensation showed a negative effect, while the market share of labor compensation degree and a positive effect. 得出各变量间存在长期均衡关系,并且产业结构变动幅度和财政收入占比对劳动报酬占比均呈现负效应,而市场化程度与劳动报酬占比呈现正效应。
With reference to the principle of Industrial Economics, investment model is referred macroeconomics Description of GDP accounting methods to expand the order parameter mode about the logistics industry profits. 投资模型参照产业经济学原理,引用宏观经济学描述国内生产总值的核算方法,拓展出关于物流产业利润的序参量模式。
Although most countries in the world attach great importance to the development of modern information service industry, the industrial development of accounting theory research is lagging behind. 虽然世界各国都非常重视现代信息服务业的发展,但就该产业发展的会计理论研究相对滞后。
Industrial policy, fiscal and financial policies, import and export policy, statistical accounting policies, laws and regulations can influence the price formation in circular economy; there are both direct and indirect effects. 产业政策、财政金融政策、进出口政策、统计核算政策、法律法规等对循环经济中的价格形成影响,既有直接的,也有间接的。
The accounting of practical and unpractical harnessing cost was conducted according to different industrial department accounting, in which the value accounting of waste water and waste air both involved sharing the cost between water pollution and air pollution. 与实物量核算相同,按照不同的产业部门核算环境污染的实际治理成本和虚拟治理成本。其中废水和废气的价值量核算均涉及将治理成本在水污染物和大气污染物上进行分摊的问题。
The support and attention of decision makers is the important premise for small and middle sized industrial enterprises to realize accounting informatization. 中小企业实施会计信息化,决策者的重视和支持是重要前提。
The main innovation of this thesis is to broaden the scope of application of ABC and promote the military industrial enterprises to establish advanced cost accounting and management system. 本文的主要创新点在于拓宽作业成本法的应用范围,推动军工企业建立先进的成本核算及管理制度。
The need of city water, ecological water and industrial water use increased, not only accounting for agricultural water, but also increasing the burden on the water. 城市生活用水、生态用水和工业用水大幅度增加,不仅占农业用水,也加重了地下水的负担。
The main points are: 1. Network economy of traditional accounting theory should make the following improvements: Using "accounting organization" based on Industrial chain to replace the original, shortening Accounting period for the needs of accounting information users. 本文的主要观点是:1、网络经济下传统会计核算理论应作出以下改进:以基于产业链上的会计组织来代替原来的会计主体,以会计信息使用者的需求为导向缩短会计分期。
But the author through investigation shows the accounting informatization level of small and middle sized industrial enterprises is generally low, the situation of accounting informatization is not optimistic. 但笔者调查结果表明,中小工业企业会计信息化水平总体较低,会计信息化形势不容乐观。
Gangue is the largest industrial solid waste, accounting for 20% industrial solid waste in our country. 煤矸石是我国最主要的工业固体废弃物,约占全国工业固体废弃物的20%以上。